So this is how my Thursday morning started off. I woke up around 6:45am, didn?t feel good since I ate far too much?dark chocolate?on Wednesday night, so I threw away my chocolate surprise brownie thingy. Whatever it is. I just got rid of it. No need for it to stare at me. I?ll miss you chocolate treat. But I won?t miss what you did to my insides. Since I cut out sugar, now whenever I have it, I feel like balls. Damnit.
you b*tch
To ease my tummy woes, I made a nice cup of honey lemon ginger tea. It?s my new fav. Not like omgilovethisteasofreakingmuch, but more of a omgicanactuallychokethisteadown. So I had 2 cups of it. The air conditioning unit is still in my window and it?s probably 50 degrees outside. Meaning it?s 50 degrees inside my room. So really, I was just drinking tea to keep from shivering.
2 is better than 1
So I started my normal morning routine when I?m not working at the gym. I checked all my social media, wrote back to comments,?wrote back to some emails, and started writing a new post. Then I decided it was breakfast time around 8am. So I stared at what was in the fridge and decided to make a love child of two leftover meals. I had one meal (from my cookbook, so it?s a secret) which included some spaghetti squash in a sauce and leftover chicken from yesterdays post. So I mixed the two together and ate it cold. I love cold food. All while watching the Today show. Turns out morning tv is boring. Mostly because it?s not New Girl or The Mindy Project. Those are the only two shows on worth watching. Ok wait, Glee and Modern Family are stupid awesome too. Morning tv is just a bore.
Anywho, then I headed to the gym around 10am! Jason was oh so lucky to workout with me on this fine day. So this is what our workout looked like:
- Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes: 3 connected squat cleans (no dropping between reps) ? My weight was 115#
- Then we did a workout called ?Cory McGee? which was a 40 min AMRAP of 10 handstand push ups, 6 deadlift (315,225), 12 toes to bar, with a 400 meter run on the even rounds. I did deadlifts at 185# at got through 10 rounds.
Afterwords, I drank down my Simply Pure Nutrients recovery fuel with unsweetened almond milk at 12pm. But this is no normal recovery fuel, this recovery fuel is the closest I?ve seen to paleo. BUT it hasn?t been released yet. Not until November. It?s stupid delicious. And I was back to my perky self soon after. Just so you know, I don?t tend to drink a ton of protein shakes. I only do it on two-a-days or after workouts when I feel absolutely awful. I just hate taking in extra sugar when it?s not needed, mostly because my skin is so incredibly sensitive. But I?ve loved this brand and it?s worked well for me. But come November, I?ll be talking more and more about this product so you guys can get your hands on it too!!
Once I got home, I cooked up an easy meal of mashed plantain and a sugar free chicken sausage at 1:00pm. All I did was add a tablespoon of coconut oil to a pan, peeled and slit a plantain in half and cooked it on both sides until soft. Then I just used a fork to mash it all up while I cooked my sausage that I cut in half as well. While that cooked, I ate about a tablespoon of coconut cream concentrate. Aka my best friend. No wait, boyfriend. No, lover. That?s the right word for it.
Then I got back to a few more emails while I ate.? And moved my butt to Starbucks for a business meeting at 2pm. Since I?m still off the coffee train, I had an unsweetened iced green tea. Let me tell you, it was thrilling.
After the lovely meeting, I headed back to the gym to chat with Jason before getting to workout #2. I haven?t done two-a-days since Regionals, so it?s about time to get to them. Great. So excited. Not at all. While we chatted, we headed down to the Sugar Bake Shop for an almond milk chai and a delicious paleo muffin. Yes, our local bake shop carries paleo muffins. Badass huh? Jason and I split one, but after one bite I lost interest because my chai was more interesting, so I gave the rest to him. I?m the best kind of friend to have 3% of the time.
About an hour after our chai time, I did my second workout for the day around 4:30pm:
3 rounds: 10 clean and jerk (95#) 10 box jumps (30 in.) and 20 kettlebell swings (55#) ? it took me 10:20?I think. Now I?ve forgotten. I suck.
Doing a workout by yourself is never as fun. Neither is a 40 min AMRAP though. Or 30inch box jumps.
Then I coached from 5:30-8:30. This is the time I get to play my own music to make the workout extra fun. Here are some of my favorite songs right now:
- I love it by Icona Pop
- Anything can happen by Ellie Goulding
- Gangnam Style by Psy
- One More Night by Maroon 5
- Too Close by Alex Clare
- Best Love Song by Tpain and Chris Brown
- Fade into Darkness by Avicii
- 40 Deep by Lecrae
Don?t like them? You?re dumb.
After coaching, I headed to Gov?s Park to chat with my good friend and owner of Renegade Fitness, Tom, to go over PaleOMG apparel. You didn?t know I had apparel!?!? WHAAAAAAAT? It?s cool. Now you know! Yay!
Once I got home around 9:45pm, I made an easy dinner with 1/2 of leftover baked sweet potato, 2 slices of bacon, on 2 eggs. I just cooked the bacon and eggs in a pan together, heated up the sweet potato in the microwaves, then used a knife and fork to mash it all together. While that cooked, I snacked on some of Laura?s plantain chips. I didn?t ask. I?m a bad friend.
So whoever says eating dinner before 7pm is a must, can suck it. Because that?s not how my life works. And I?m sure as hell not fasting until the morning. Starving myself doesn?t work in my book.
I also had a tablespoon of coconut cream concentrate before I went to bed.
Good day people, good day.
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