Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today on New Scientist: 4 February 2013

Lefty nonsense: When progressives wage war on reason

Conservatives rightly get a bad rap for anti-science policies. But progressives can be just as bad, say Alex Berezow and Hank Campbell

Leicester's winter made glorious by Richard III

The announcement that King Richard III's remains have been identified will not end debate over their significance, says an archaeologist

Sleep and dreaming: The how, where and why

Where your mind goes every night, how to get more of the good stuff - and why do we do it anyway?

Doubts remain that the Leicester body is Richard III

Mitochondrial DNA is not especially good for pinpointing identity, so how sure can we be that the "car-park skeleton" is that of Richard III?

Ballerina bird video reveals novel shape-shifting view

Watch the first movie of a unique bird-of-paradise mating dance from the female's point of view

Evoking fear in the fearless reveals new ways to panic

People who don't experience fear due to a genetic disorder have been made to feel it for the first time, revealing new pathways involved in the response

Bug protects itself by turning its environment to gold

A bacterium survives close to gold deposits by making a protein that converts toxic gold ions into nanoparticles of the metal

Sneaky ninja robot silently stalks its prey

Robots that know how much noise they are making and use other sounds to mask their progress are better-equipped to sneak up on animals to film them

Two worms, same brains - but one eats the other

Two species of worm have the exact same set of neurons, but extensive rewiring allows them to lead completely different lifestyles

Data waves keep your wearable tech in tune

A new wireless technique could be the perfect way of transmitting large amounts of data between your wearable gadgets

3D printer reveals mathematical beauty - and surprise

From ancient Greek technology to shadows of the fourth dimension, 3D printing can make otherwise tough concepts in mathematics seem intuitive

Astrophile: A scorched world with snow black and smoky

It often snows on hot Jupiters - worlds like our Jupiter, but orbiting close to their sun - just don't expect a gorgeous white wonderland

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