Use The Internet Lifestyle Network To Help You Achieve Your Goals
?But Greg, you?re not a millionaire and how can you preach this info to me??
Well you?re right? I?m not a millionaire but success is all relative. If I compare myself to a certified Millionaire, then I am just a poser. But if I compare myself to the next guy on the street, I can bet that I am a lot better off than he is. Please don?t get me wrong, I actually hate the game of comparing but when considering perspective it helps with this illustration.
Recently, I joined a group of like-minded Internet marketing professionals (Internet Lifestyle Network) in hopes of gaining new knowledge or at least for a way to help me get focused and to kick myself in the arse. I?m happy to say that it?s working and there is good information coming out of the group.
The group?s spokesperson sent an email the other day to us and I find the words to be very valuable, so I want to share them with you. I do add some additional commentary where I believe it is appropriate.
Pay, Then Learn, Then Give Away = They Join You. ?It?s really simple when I think about how easy it?is to become an entrepreneur and leader and live?the lifestyle of your dreams now a days?
Here is how you do it?
1. Pay a little money to learn the knowledge that
will enhance your communication and marketing
skills. (Hint: the more you pay, the more value you
will give = the more income you will create.)Greg ? ?think about the above for a moment. Isn?t this like getting advance education from the University and using that information to make a living? Only difference here is that instead of becoming an employee, you are becoming a business owner. Which as far as I am concerned much better.?
2. Actually use what you paid for. (HINT: 99%
of people don?t, and allow procrastination to control
their life and they fail.)Greg ? ?Taking action. This is the same no matter what field you are in. My thought process is simple. Let me do it for myself, and family with my own business.?
3. Take that knowledge you are learning, put
your own spin on it, then give it away in your
words and videos for free. (Hint: This will attract
people to your business because your giving them
value, not pitching them some product.)Greg ? ?Good information is good information no matter who is sharing it. Of course you need to credit the source. I.E. Internet Lifestyle Network?
4. And because you follow this process of
transformation and you give value to the
world and the people around you.Greg ? Value is always rewarded. The more value the more you make!
You can now take the people who will start?following you to a vehicle that will create?income for your life.
(They will join you because they?now trust?you will be there for them along the way.)?Life is about relationships and trust over the?product and business you are promoting. ??Once you ?get that? ? and you take those steps?above seriously and take action, there is no?reason?why I won?t see you at the top!
Greg ? Amen!
To learn more great info visit the Internet Lifestyle Network
My overriding goal is to re-engineer my Life to create the Lifestyle I want. Life is too short to live any other way.
Recently I joined the Internet Lifestyle Network. And I am highly impressed and think you should take a look at it as well.
To Your Success,
PS - Never let anybody tell you that you "can't" achieve your goal!
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